February 27, 2008

Pike Seattle Brewing Co.'s Scotch Style Kilt Lifter Ruby Ale -- Three Beers

A pleasant scotch ale. For those who aren't "in the know," a scotch ale is one where the malt used for the beer is the same as that which would be used to make scotch (simple? obvious? tasty? yes). This particular scotchale is medium-bodied, very lightly carbonated, and more importantly, malty but not too malty. And malty like nothing but a scotch ale could be. My favourite part of the maltiness is that it's dark and spicy, without making the beer overly thick or overly malty. No sickly-sweet caramel malts here; just a hearty, well-balanced-yet-unique beer. While it might not be my favourite beer overall, it's a pleasant beer to come home to after the Coors Lights I'd been drinking as a guest in someone else's home. I can't speak to the price, 'cause I'm still a guest in this home (I'm on the road as I write this), but I'll give it some credit for having a funny name. Three it is!

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