September 12, 2010

Samuel Smith's India Ale -- Four Beers

First of all, let me say that IPAs are my favourite beers.

Then, let me add that "American IPAs" are my favourite IPAs, and that British IPAs, though possibly more true to the genre, aren't as true to the hops. They *are* hoppy, they *are* delicious... but they're softer. A little mellower. A little... waterier. A little more like an ale, and a lot less like hop soup.

This IPA is a quality examplar of the British IPA family. It's got great colour and a delicious, amber-y taste. But it's also got a lot of malt, and almost comes off sweet rather than bitter. I've honestly had reds that are more hoppy than this, and it actually kind of reminds me of one. It's still a quality beer, though.

4 out of 6.

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